Documentation Demo

Used to Demonstrate How Sequence Works

This demonstration shows how Sequence changes the classes of frames to allow for the creation of transitions using CSS3. To find out more, please see the documentation.

Quick Installation

  1. Download the Documentation Demo theme which includes sequence.js
  2. Unzip and move the documentation-demo folder to the same directory as the page you'd like the theme to appear on
  3. Add this themes stylesheet within the <head></head> tags on your page, below existing stylesheets:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="documentation-demo/css/sequencejs-theme.documentation-demo.css" />
  4. Add a reference to jQuery 1.9.1, sequence.js and this themes custom options within the <head></head> tags on your page:
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="documentation-demo/scripts/jquery.sequence-min.js"></script>
    <script src="documentation-demo/sequencejs-options.documentation-demo.js"></script>
  5. From index.html in the downloaded theme, copy everything inside the <body></body> tags, then paste into the page you'd like the theme to appear on
  6. Save your file and upload newly added/modified files to your web server. You're done!